HealthyLivestock 7th Newsletter
Read here about the project's outcomes, News and events!
“PIGGLY” – exemplary farm
Interview with Sergio Visini-CEO and founder of 'PIGGLY - BIRLA SOCIETÀ AGRICOLA '
“ArMoR –fighting Antimicrobial Resistance in livestock farming”
HealthyLivestock, AVANT , DISARM, Roadmap, AMRILS, BM-FARM and FARM-CARE in a new project group
Good Practices to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance
Call for good practice by AMR stakeholders network
Join us to an interactive webinar about AMR
celebrate with us the Antimicrobial Awareness Week
A method for broiler abnormal sound detection
A Novel Method for Broiler Abnormal Sound Detection Using WMFCC and HMM
Comparative assessment of general behaviour
and fear-related responses in hatchery-hatched and on-farm hatched broiler chickens
HealthyLivestock: Day-old chicken quality and performance of broiler chickens from3 different hatching systems
Carol Souza da Silva;Roos Molenaar ;Mona F. Giersberg; T. Bas Rodenburg; Johan W. van Riel; Kris De Baere; Iris Van Dosselaer; Bas Kemp; Henry van den Brand ;Ingrid C. de Jong.
HealthyLivestock: Effects of hatching system on the welfare of broiler chickens in early and later life
Mona F. Giersberg; Roos Molenaar; Ingrid Jong; Carol Souza da Silva; Henryvan den Brand; Bas Kemp; T. Bas Rodenburg;
Effects of on-farm and traditional hatching
on welfare, health, and performance of broiler chickens
ScienceDirect : On-farm hatching of broiler chickens
Comparative assessment of general behaviour and fear-related responses in hatchery-hatched and on-farm hatched broiler chickens
Can a hatching environmental make a difference in later life resilience?
Within the HealthyLivestock project, Wageningen University & Research together with Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute are studying possibilities to improve the resilience of broilers against diseases by improving welfare and peri-hatching conditions.
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