Zoetis for HealthyLivestock – By Theo Kanellos, Zoetis
The outputs of the HealthyLivestock work packages from both the Chinese and European projects will be made available through a mobile-phone friendly E-Knowledge Hub which will provide access for livestock producers and veterinarians to the latest evidence and best practice guidance which can be implemented on farm and improvements observed through the poultry and pig apps.
Poultry Science: Effects of eggshell temperature pattern during incubation on primary immune organ development and broiler immune response in later life
H.J.Wijnen,H.van den Brand, A.Lammers...
Deep learning-based automated pig feeding behaviour detection for healthier livestock
Say goodbye to traditional pig tracking, extra sensors and individual marking. A fast and accurate 2D camera-based deep learning system automatically recognises pig feeding behaviour, making early detection of health and welfare problems possible.
HealthyLivestock Related Websites and Projects
Poultry hub, The Pig Site, The European Medicines Agency, Wageningen University & Research and more
Effects of on-farm and traditional hatching
on welfare, health, and performance of broiler chickens
ESVAC – Sales of veterinary antimicrobial agents
in 31 European countries in 2018: The latest ESVAC report, published in October 2020, shows that sales of antibiotics for use in animals in Europe fell by more than 34% between 2011 and 2018
COVID-19 Effects on Livestock Production: A One Welfare Issue
The COVID-19 pandemic highlights that we exist in a global community. From a single city, it spread to 188 countries across the world and infected 30 million people by September 18, 2020.
ScienceDirect : On-farm hatching of broiler chickens
Comparative assessment of general behaviour and fear-related responses in hatchery-hatched and on-farm hatched broiler chickens
Biosecurity measures on the farm
Interesting video about biosecurity on the farm, please click to watch
Wageningen U&R: Better pens mean ‘better’ pigs
Pigs that grow up in an enriched environment – a bigger pen with straw and sawdust, for example – grow faster, have better immunity, and can cope with disappointments better, concludes PhD researcher Lu Luo.
The Veterinary Journal: Potential dietary feed additives
with antibacterial effects and their impact on performance of weaned piglets: A meta-analysis
European perspectives on efforts to reduce AMU in food animal production
Review about the new regulations on veterinary medicines and medicated feed- Simon J. More